Browse Items
- .50-caliber bullets
- .50-caliber guns
- 1000-lb bomb
- 1940
- 1941
- 1942
- 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- 19th Pursuit Squadron
- 20 mm gun
- 362nd Fighter Group
- 377th Fighter Squadron
- 379th Fighter Squadron
- 500-lb bomb
- 88 mm
- A-82
- administrator
- Air Medal
- air speed
- airmen
- Allied forces
- Allied officers
- Alpha Tau Omega
- altitude
- anti-aircraft
- armament
- armor
- Army
- Army Air Corps
- Army Air Corps Reserves
- award
- awards
- B-17 bomber
- B-24
- B-26
- Beaugency Bridge
- blog
- bomb
- bomber escort
- bombers
- bombs
- bonds
- Bremen
- Bremen Airport
- Brest
- Brest Harbor
- bridges
- briefing
- Brigadier General Richard Sanders
- Britain
- Bubble Top canopy
- C-46
- C-47
- cadet
- Cadet Flying School
- call sign
- Captain Joseph Laughlin
- Captain Rarey
- cars
- celebration
- chateau
- checkerboard
- cigar
- citation
- Class 40-D
- Col. Edwin S. Chickering
- Col. Joseph Laughlin
- Col. Russ Berg
- Colonel Joseph Laughlin
- Colonel Morton Magoffin
- combat missions
- Communication Codes
- cowling
- Croix de Guerre
- Curtiss
- D-Day
- Dam
- damage
- dance
- destroyed
- dinner
- Distinguished Flying Cross
- Distinguished Service Cross
- divebombing
- dual takeoff
- elephant
- Elks Lodge
- engine
- engineers
- England
- escort missions
- Étain
- European Theater
- exhaust system
- exploring
- Fabryka Broni
- farmer
- fighter pilot
- fin
- Five by Five
- flak
- flak gun
- flight prep
- flight suit
- France
- Frankfurt
- freight cars
- friendly fire
- fuel tank
- fun
- fuselage
- FW-190
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower
- General Otto Weyland
- General Patton
- General Quesada
- General Saville
- General Vandenburg
- German
- German Light Cruiser
- German Officer
- Germany
- Gertrude Laughlin
- glider
- graduation
- Grand Island
- grave
- Groton
- Group Commander
- gun positions
- Hadrian glider
- Halftrack
- Hawaii
- Hawk
- Headcorn
- heroism
- Hessian strip
- horizontal stabilizer
- humor
- induction system
- Insignia
- Instrument Flight Test
- Irish heritage
- Jeff Duford
- Kathleen
- Kelly Field
- Kent
- Last P-47
- Lightning
- Lockheed
- Lt. Col. Paul P. Douglas
- Lt. Duane Oyster
- Lt. Hill
- Lt. Lane
- Lt. Laughlin
- Lt. Robert "Red" Campbell
- Lt. Roy D. Christian
- Luftwaffe
- Major Joseph Laughlin
- Marauder
- marriage
- Massachussetts
- medals
- menu
- mesh
- Mogin's Maulers
- mothers
- Nazi Officer
- Nebraska
- Newspaper
- Ninth Air Force
- No Man's Land
- Normandy
- Normandy Invasion
- nose art
- Omaha World-Herald
- Ondine Rarey
- Operation Dragoon
- orchestra
- ordnance
- Original P-47
- outhouse
- P-36
- P-38
- P-40
- P-47
- P-51
- Pacific Theater
- patriotism
- Pearl Harbor
- pilots quarters
- Pin the Eagles
- pistol
- pitot tube
- planes
- portrait
- Presidential Unit Citation
- Press Release
- Prince
- Propeller
- Propellor
- quarters
- railroad
- Randolph Field
- Rarey Nose Art
- Razorback canopy
- Reims
- Rennes
- Restricted
- Rhein-Main
- riding crop
- rockets
- Ruba Oyster
- runway
- San Francisco
- Seille River
- serial number
- serious
- Sgt. Chodor
- ship
- Silver Star
- sluice
- Station 412
- Station A-82
- storage depot
- surrendered
- survived
- Tail
- takeoff
- tanks
- tents
- Texas
- Third Army
- Thunderbolt
- trains
- troops
- trucks
- uniform
- University of Nebraska
- USAF Museum
- vehicles
- versatility
- vertical stabilizer
- Vis
- volleyball
- Waco Aircraft Company
- Waco CG-4A
- weather gauge
- Wheeler Field
- wife
- wings
- Wormingford